Special Projects

FDCE Special Project Iowa


RCPP Award #2810

Iowa Climate Smart Switchgrass

Cropping System Transition
This initiative is designed to offer conservation benefits by establishing deep rooted native switchgrass on 5,000 acres of erodible lands in 19 counties in southern Iowa; and provide a market driven alternative to conventional commodities on otherwise low yielding acres. Some of the benefits of incorporating native plants into your farm plan are as follows:
FDCE Special Project Virginia

Virginia RCPP

RCPP Award #3031

Virginia Climate Smart Switchgrass

Cropping System Transition
This initiative is designed to improve the conservation of our soil, water, and wildlife by establishing deep rooted native switchgrass on 5,000 acres of erodible lands across Southside Virginia while also offering a market-competitive alternative to conventional row crops on marginal acres. Some of the benefits of incorporating native plants into your farm include reduced soil and nutrient runoff as well as sequestration of atmospheric carbon:

Partner with FDCE to advance conservation!