Can CRP Save Your Pollinators?

Can the Conservation Reserve Program Save Your Pollinators?

It’s no secret that pollinator species across the US are endangered, but the massive and potentially catastrophic consequences of pollinator extinction may not be as well known. Honey bees, native bees, butterflies, moths, wasps, and other insects pollinate over three-fourths of the world’s flowering plants and 35% of the world’s food, making these creatures critical

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What is CRP Doing for Your Soil

What is CRP Doing for Your Soil?

Aside from improving water quality and enhancing wildlife habitats, one of the primary goals of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is to reduce soil erosion. Erosion of soil is a major environmental concern, as it deteriorates the quality of both the soil and water on your land. Eventually, this can lead to land that can

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Biomass and Bio Power Plant for Bioenergy

What Are the Benefits of Bioenergy?

Replacing unsustainable sources of energy like fossil fuels and natural gas with more environmentally friendly options is critical to combating climate change and reducing our country’s dependence on imported oil. While solar power and wind energy are great options, bioenergy is a promising new sector that governments, scientists, and economists are championing. Bioenergy is a

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Conservation Reserve Program Sign Up 2022
Agricultural News

Reminder – Sign Up for CRP by March 11!

If you’re planning to enroll in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) this year, be sure to submit your application soon! This year’s deadline to apply for General CRP is March 11, 2022. By enrolling in the program, landowners and farmers can establish conservation practices on their land to protect vulnerable soil from erosion, enhance water

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Conservation Reserve Program Pros and Cons

CRP Pros and Cons

If you’re considering enrolling your land in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), you likely already have some idea of the benefits of participating in this program. But you may be wondering what, if anything, are the drawbacks to CRP? While the positives of participating in CRP certainly outweigh the negatives, it’s important to understand both

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Farmers shaking hands. customer choose FDCE for Conservation Reserve Program
Agricultural News

Top 3 Reasons CRP Landowners Choose FDCE

Each year, FDCE conducts a customer survey to gain feedback on the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) services we provide. For our 2021 survey, we were thrilled to receive overwhelmingly positive results. Over 82% of our customers reported that they were satisfied or very satisfied with our services, while 85% of respondents stated they were likely

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