In our last post, we discussed the thorough paperwork requirements for reporting cost–share with CRP. While CRP offers great cost-share benefits (especially with Practice Incentive Payments), stringent documenting and organization are required to receive the appropriate reimbursement in a timely manner.
Improper reporting serves as a constant setback for both landowners enrolled in CRP and the FSA offices that oversee them, creating frustration for all parties involved.
It’s no surprise that one of our most valued services is the handling of all paperwork and reporting required by CRP. This includes properly itemizing expenses, maximizing cost-share payments, and organizing all necessary information into easy to read documents which we provide to both FSA and the CRP contract holder.
While this looks a little different depending on variables such as state location and CRP practice, we’ve put together a general overview of what you can expect from FDCE.
Accounting Report
As we mentioned in our previous post, expense reporting for CRP is component based. Some components, such as planting costs, operate under a flat-rate cost-share. Other components, including seed cost-share, are percentage-based up to a certain cap (known as an NTE). Once the NTE has been reached, the landowner is responsible for 100% of the cost in that component.
Every expense must be reported in the appropriate component before the paper-work can be submitted and cost-share can be received. Farmers and landowners regularly delay reimbursement or miss out on cost-share they should receive due to improper accounting.
Understanding all of the different components and rates across the various CRP programs is a lot of work for those new to CRP. Our team at FDCE has over 350,000 acres of CRP experience. We know exactly how to document and categorize expenses so that reporting gets fast-tracked, and contract-holders receive their money quickly.
Production Report
Accompanying the accounting report is the production report. This report specifically outlines CRP seed type, use, and cost-per-acre. Each species planted in the mix is reported separately on a Pure Live Seed (PLS) basis. Some practices have very complex seed mixes, with as many as 50 different species used in one acre.
Each species needs to be reported separately per acre. Since CRP projects have specific seed-mix requirements, this report is used to confirm that the proper seed plan was followed. The production report also includes herbicide application, which must show the type of chemical applied along with the rate per acre.
Lastly, our production report includes a GPS map generated by the GPS system integrated into our tractors and planting equipment. This map is displayed side-by-side with the original planting map produced by FSA/NRCS, verifying that the whole designated area has been planted.
If certain areas where unplantable, the map clearly shows where these areas were. Sometimes, a field may be too wet, or trees may prevent us from planting.
In addition to showing the unplantable areas, our report will document the reasons why we couldn’t plant them, allowing the FSA to take the appropriate actions from there. While this high-level of reporting isn’t required, it makes things much easier for FSA to process.
Seed Tags
Each species planted for a CRP project requires a seed tag to be submitted to FSA. The seed tag shows germination rate, tests for noxious weeds, purity, origin, and more. Typically, this seed tag is stapled to the seed bags. When seeds are poured into the planter, it’s easy for the bags and tags to be discarded, misplaced, or ruined.
Tracking down and deciphering these tags can be a major issue for both landowners and FSA offices.
That’s why we eliminate the bag-tag system altogether. All of our seed tags are maintained electronically, with copies emailed directly to FSA in proper order so that everything is accounted for. This is a major time-saver for FSA.
Better for Landowners and FSA
CRP paperwork can be one of the most frustrating, time-consuming pieces of the CRP process. That’s why we offer a full-service CRP solution that covers the entire process, including seed purchasing, planting, equipment provision, herbicide application, and submitting all of the necessary paperwork to FSA.
Instead of hiring a CRP contractor to help with a little of the work, use FDCE to handle it all for you.