Row Crop Chemical Carryover – what you need to know when planting CRP

Chemical carryover caused by some new herbicides has become an increasingly frequent and potentially expensive problem for new CRP participants. If you used herbicide on the previous years’ crops, it may affect when you can plant your new CRP project. Some crop herbicides available on the market today have longer and longer carryover rates—sometimes 18

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How does the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Work?

The United States Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency oversees several voluntary conservation-related programs, including the Conservation Reserve Program. In the past, farmers have joked the CRP, “pays farmers not to farm”. But the truth is the work the farmers do with CRP has far reaching benefits. Programs like CRP work to address a large

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5 Conservation Benefits of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)

Congress created CRP in 1985 following increased concern over unacceptably high levels of soil erosion as well as other environmental concerns. The 1985 Farm Bill authorized USDA to enroll up to 45 million acres in CRP. By idling environmentally sensitive lands, the Conservation Reserve Program provides substantial conservation benefits by improving water quality, protecting soil,

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The Importance of Weed Control in CRP

Weed control is critical to successful CRP establishment. Left unchecked, weeds can quickly overtake your CRP planting and cause the establishment to fail altogether. Since CRP land is typically established using no-till planting, it can be especially vulnerable to weeds.  Creating an herbicide plan is one of the first actions you will need to take

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Mistakes to Avoid with CRP

Done correctly, the Conservation Reserve Program can be a great way to restore health to marginal land while still earning a profit. In order to reap the program’s benefits, however, you’ll need to successfully establish the native vegetation for your selected Conservation Practice (CP) This is where things can get difficult. Though establishing CRP bears

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Establishing CRP: What You Need to Know

For 35 years, CRP has helped farmers and landowners earn money on marginal land while protecting against erosion, water quality, loss of wildlife habitat, and more. With the new administration’s increased focus on conservation and the recently announced enhancements for the Conservation Reserve Program, now is the perfect time to join the program. The question is… 

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