Why CRP is Critical to the Future of US Farming

Modern farming is facing a number of challenges. Tariffs placed on China have resulted in the world’s largest country looking outside of America for crops like soybeans and corn. Most of our major pollinators are rapidly declining in population, threating the $24 billion they contribute to our economy annually. Soil quality is degrading, causing farmers to either overly rely

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Addressing the Problems of Agricultural Expansion in the US

It can’t be understated how vital modern agriculture is to our society and the quality of life that we all enjoy. Not only do farmers provide our food, but they’re responsible for countless raw materials for manufacturing, clothing, medicine, and more. However, when mishandled or left unchecked, agriculture can take a toll on the environment.   Tilling, infrequent crop rotation, and fertilizer application all contribute to the break down of

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What Can Be Done About Farmland Abandonment?

Over the past 20 years, the US has lost nearly 100,000 square miles of farmland. By 2030, we could lose another 77,000. While much of this loss is caused by urban expansion and development, some of the land is simply abandoned.  Abandoned farmland is a growing problem in the US. Not only does it hurt crop production and farming profits, but it’s an environmental liability as well. Left

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Selecting Seed Mix for CRP

As of January 4th, enrollment for general CRP in 2020 is officially open. If you’re looking to submit a bid, now is the time to act. Enrollment for general CRP closes on February 12. Enrollment for Continuous CRP will remain open as long as acres are available. For more information on joining CRP in 2021, click here.  The first step

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Selecting a Conservation Practice for CRP

General enrollment for CRP in 2021 is just a week away. Between January 4th and February 12, interested parties may submit bids to earn a contract and enter the program. Alternatively, enrollment for continuous CRP (CCRP) is already open and will remain so as long as there are acres available in your state.  Once you’ve decided to enroll,

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Joining the Conservation Reserve Program in 2021

As 2020 comes to a close, many are looking optimistically towards the future. A new year brings new opportunities. For farmers and landowners interesting in joining the Conservation Reserve Program, enrollment for general CRP will be opening once more.  General enrollment for 2021 will begin on January 4th, and it will continue until February 12. During this time, interested prospects may submit a bid to earn a contract and enter

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