What's New in Illinois CREP in 2022
Agricultural News

What’s New in CREP for Illinois Landowners in 2022

In 2022, the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) returned to the state of Illinois. As part of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), CREP identifies the highest-priority conservation goals in the state. From there, participants are provided with federal and non-federal funds to carry out Conservation Practices (CPs) to fulfill those goals. Since 2015, enrollment in

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Bobwhite Quail - SAFE Initiative CRP

What is the State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement (SAFE) Initiative?

With the goal of restoring wildlife habitat, the State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement (SAFE) Initiative is an integral facet of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). While CRP focuses on conservation efforts as a whole, SAFE aims specifically to protect vulnerable wildlife species from endangerment and extinction. To do so, it focuses on establishing robust, native

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What is an Environmental Benefit Index EBI Score CRP

What is an Environmental Benefit Index (EBI) Score?

When entering a bid for General Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), eligible land is evaluated based on the Environmental Benefit Index (EBI). This comprehensive ranking system is used to measure the overall environmental benefits of your proposed CRP project. Each CRP submission is ranked with an EBI score by the FSA and compared to other applicants

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Restoration Bioproducts New Biochar Plant
Agricultural News

Restoration Bioproducts Announces New Biochar Plant

In August 2022, bioenergy producer Restoration Bioproducts announced plans to build the first-ever biochar production facility in Sussex County, Virginia. With an investment of $5.8 million, the company will be creating a number of new jobs and buying over 34,000 tons of wood products grown within the state. By establishing this new facility, biochar and

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FDCE Awarded USDA Funding for RCPP
Agricultural News

FDCE Awarded USDA Funding Through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP)

The USDA recently announced a $197 million investment in local conservation projects through the partner-driven Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). We’re proud to announce that FDCE was one of the recipients of this award and can’t wait to get started with our RCPP project. With the goal of advancing new, innovative conservation projects including efforts

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Illinois Conservation Reserve Program CREP - FDCE
Agricultural News

What is the Illinois Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)?

On June 14, 2022, the Farm Service Agency (FSA) and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) announced the return of the Illinois Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). The restoration of this incentive-based program provides an excellent opportunity for Illinois farmers to take advantage of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) benefits on their land. While

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