Establishing Native Grasses and Forbs for CRP – Part 2: Seed Placement and Planting

Considering enrolling in CRP for native grasses and forbs? We don’t blame you. CRP not only offers competitive rates, cost-sharing reimbursement, and sign-up incentives, but planting native grass is great for both your farm and the environment as a whole. That said, if you want to successfully establish native grass on your land through CRP,

Establishing Native Grasses and Forbs for CRP – Part 2: Seed Placement and Planting Read More »

Establishing Native Grasses and Forbs for CRP – Part 1: Seed Quality and Purchasing

Native grasses serve an important role in our environment, providing habitats for local wildlife while protecting soil and water.  That’s why the Conservation Reserve Program offers compensation to landowners willing to establish and maintain fields of native grasses and forbs This is done through a number of conservation practices (CP) including CP2, CP4D, CP21, CP23,

Establishing Native Grasses and Forbs for CRP – Part 1: Seed Quality and Purchasing Read More »

Turning Farmland into Pollinator Habitat Through CRP

Pollinators such as bees, butterflies, birds, and even bats serve an important function in our environment. Without the pollen they spread, many plants we use would be unable to seed and reproduce. In fact, over half of the US’s primary crops rely on pollination, which means bee-pollinated commodities bring in $20 billion worth of agricultural production in the

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