Can CRP Fix the Gulf of Mexico’s Hypoxic Zone?

At this very moment, the Mississippi River is pouring excess nitrogen and phosphorus into the Gulf of Mexico, feeding the 8th largest hypoxic zone in the world. Hypoxia is when a body of water lacks the oxygen necessary to sustain life. Any marine life in this dead area is forced to either flee or die.  Considering the prominent role the Gulf of Mexico plays for 5 US […]

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Introducing All Native Seed – A Better Way to Purchase High-Quality CRP Seed Mixes

FDCE is proud to announce the launch of our CRP seed retailer, All Native Seed. With All Native Seed, CRP contract holders can easily find the CRP seed mixes they need for their particular practice. All Native Seed offers seed mixes developed by the NRCS, as well as our own NRCS-compliant seed mixes.  Whichever type you

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The NRCS’s Role in CRP

In our last post, we discussed the role that the FSA plays in CRP. While FSA is involved throughout the enrollment and establishment process, they’re not the only organization that contract holders work with.  Another organization is the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Formally known as the Soil Conservation Service, the NRCS is an agency of the USDA that provides financial and technical

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FSA’s role in CRP

The Farm Service Agency (or FSA) is a branch of the USDA that primarily oversees a number of conversation programs. In their own words, the purpose of these programs is to address issues including: Drinking water protection Reducing soil erosion Wildlife habitat preservation Preservation and restoration of forests and wetlands Aiding farmers whose farms are damaged by natural disasters Of

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Improving Soil Health with Native Grasses and Forbs

Healthy soil is a critical component for life on this planet. Not only does it grow our plants and crops, but it absorbs rainfall, decomposes organisms and waste, and stores over 4 trillion tons of carbon. Forests, by comparison, only store around 360 billion tons (learn more about the importance of carbon sequestration here.)  Though soil is often viewed as an

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Using Native Grasses and Forbs for Carbon Sequestration

Our atmosphere’s carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are higher than they’ve been in 100,000 years. While CO2 is a natural part of the air we breathe, too much of it can be a very bad thing. As you may know, CO2 is a greenhouse gas, which means it absorbs heat (unlike oxygen or nitrogen).   At proper amounts, CO2 serves a very important function of keeping

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Promoting Bumblebees as Pollinators

Since being introduced to America in 1622, the honeybee has become our most prominent pollinator. In fact, the honeybee is responsible for $15 billion in US crops per year. But times are changing. Honeybees have seen their numbers sharply decline over the past few decades due to Colony Collapse Disorder.    With no clear answers on what causes CCD or how it can be

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Controlling Thistle and Other Noxious Weed in CRP

CRP practices often contain a diverse selection of plant species native to the area where you live. But that doesn’t mean you can let just anything grow there. As with traditional farming, weed control is an important part of establishing CRP.  Weeds can hinder seed development, not to mention prove harmful for wildlife. If they’re not dealt with immediately and effectively,

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