Wildlife Conservation

The Importance of Pollinator Diversity in CRP

The honeybee has long been the US’s main pollinator, contributing over $15 billion to our economy every year. Over the past few decades, however, the honeybee has seen its population cut in half largely due to colony collapse disorder.   If things continue at this rate, the honeybee could be extinct by 2035.   Unfortunately, counteracting CCD directly has proven to be difficult. Eliminating the use […]

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Supporting Local Hunting with CRP

We talk a lot about the environmental benefits of CRP and for good reason. Through CRP, farmers and landowners receive money from the government to take marginal land out of active production. They then establish native vegetation, which restores soil health, reduces runoff, and protects local water supplies.  That alone would be worth enrolling in

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Using CRP to Plant Milkweed and Save the Monarch Butterfly

Establishing pollinator habitat can offer numerous benefits to farmers. Not only do native, pollinator-friendly plants protect soil, but they help pollinators thrive. In turn, these pollinators provide crucial services for local crops and plant life, improving the health of the surrounding environment.  By enrolling in the right CRP practice, farmers and landowners can even be paid to establish

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What’s Causing the Decline of Monarch Butterflies?

The monarch butterfly is one of the most recognizable species of insect in the US. It is synonymous with the beauty of nature, gracing posters, book covers, photo galleries, and more. Yet future generations might never see one of these graceful creatures in person.  Between 1994 and 2016, the population of monarch butterfly decreased by 80%. Some experts fear it could go extinct in

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Promoting Wildlife Conservation Through CRP

Wildlife and their habitats play an important part in the agriculture ecosystem. Pollinators like bees and butterflies help nurture and spread plant life, affecting 35% of the world’s food crop. Additionally, pollinator habitat provides beneficial cover to soil, preventing erosion and protecting against water run-off. Other wildlife, such as ducks and pheasants, share a similar

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